Crazy news headlines
Crazy news headlines

crazy news headlines crazy news headlines

For anyone who appreciates the absurdity of our everyday life, this one is a treat you’ve been waiting for. Get a curated selection of outrageous headlines covering the unbelievable. With 231k followers, the account is gaining popularity every day, and you can see why. Beware not to drink any beverages while scrolling through, since the chances of spit-take are really high. BREAKING NEWS: These headlines are fing crazy (30 Photos) by: Staff. He tells the story of his arrest with vivid, suspenseful detail, but also sadness at the cascading devastation of loss.

crazy news headlines

Theres bound to be some odd and bizarre news to make you stand back in amazement. Thanks to the “ Funny News Headlines” Instagram account that collects some of the worst, most bizarre and plain stupid news headlines, we have quite a collection to facepalm at today. Weird and strange news stories from across the globe. But, every once in a while, one of them pays off. “Farting In Front Of A Partner Leads To A Stronger Relationship.” “Crying Can Help You Lose Weight.” If these headlines sound like enough of the internet for you today, let me tell you, we’ve only started. Sure, you get a lot of crazy news tips from a lot of crazy people. STRANGE FLORIDA Shark in Florida Keys bites angler who reeled it in, sending man to hospital Florida man gets 4 years in prison for pouring bleach into.

Crazy news headlines